
Felton’s filament- and extrusion-based solutions are a perfect fit for many of the unique challenges found in agricultural applications. Our seals prevent the vibration and dust contamination that can lead to premature part failure, while our metering and flighting products offer flexibility for gentle, consistent movement. We offer a superior combination of form and function, balancing relative cost and durability.

Constructions range from filament to custom polymer-extruded shapes, including thermoplastics and co-polymers. We provide complete assemblies with insert- or two-shot molded, sonic-welded, heat-staked, or pressure-sensitive adhesive designs.

Seed Metering and Singulation

Felton’s filament assemblies are gentle and accurate, guaranteeing proper placement, depth, and repeatability. Moreover, our subassembly capabilities reduce OEM assembly costs and limit overhead.

Air Intake Screen Seals

Felton’s sealing products are the perfect compliment to your rotating screens. The full package keeps your engines cool and free of harvest material.

Brush Flighting

Moving large quantities of seeds using our filament-tipped flighting ensures gentle transport of your delicate seeds.

Chain Oilers

Machinery maintenance is a constant job, and chain drive mechanisms are especially prone to continuous wear. Design in a Felton self-oiling assembly to keep your equipment moving and eliminate a maintenance step for customers.

Door and Window Seals

Whether you need to improve operator comfort or keep dust and dirt out of controls, Felton’s bulb assemblies create a tight seal against outside conditions, making enclosures more comfortable.

Vibration and Debris Control

Brush- and extruded bulb vibration seals lessen metal fatigue and control airflow in engine compartments.